Thermo Scientific HAAKE Falling Ball Viscometer Type C

Manufactured By: Thermo Fisher Scientific

The HAAKE Falling Ball Viscometer Type C from Thermo Scientific accurately measures the viscosity of transparent Newtonian liquids and gases.

The rolling and sliding movements of a ball through the sample liquid are times in an inclined cylindrical measuring tube. The sample viscosity is correlated to the time a ball requires to transverse a definite distance. Test results are given as dynamic viscosity.

The HAAKE Falling Ball Viscometer is mainly used for low viscous substances such as polymer solutions, solvents, inks, glycerine, gelatine, sugar solutions, oils, and liquid hydrocarbons.


Pt100 Temeprature Sensor
Test Fluids

Thermometer 19°C to 151°C with Scale Graduation 0.01°C to 0.2°C

Falling Ball Viscometer
Viscometer Balls
Viscometer Balls
 Falling Ball Accessories


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Product Brochure 133kb Download
Product Specifications 194kb Download

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